Whatever hours you have selected per week is what you will be charged for each month either by Direct Debit or via a Credit Card payment. Payments are due on the 20th of the month following on from the work completed. If the install has not been made on the due date work will stop until such time as the outstanding amount has been paid. All work conducted will be in relation to the Digital Marketing requirements stipulated in the signed contract supplied to you at the start of the Campaign. Any extra work can be commissioned and included as part of the hours to be utilised. All work, passwords, logins, copyright of images, text etc belong to the Company work is done for. None of this belongs to THE Digital Marketing Company. THE Digital Marketing Company access to logins, passwords, contact details and private material will be securely held and will not be released to any Third Party at any time. Please note any purchases such as stock library images, fonts or any other licenced or paid for material remains solely the responsibility of the Company work is being done for. At no point will THE Digital Marketing Company be held responsible for payments owed or liable for use of material used by the Company they are doing the work for. Work will terminate if black hat techniques, unethical practices are breached or any inappropriate material or techniques are requested to be used during the course of the campaign